Why We Are Passionate About Court Reporting

Why We Are Passionate About Court Reporting

How often have you watched a good team or gotten to know a really good group of people that advanced some sort of cause? Most of us can say that we’ve had these experiences, and many of us who have looked closely at what led to their success have noticed that there was at least one person who was integral to the entire operation who may not have been outwardly noticed. These are the people who hold it all together, who provide invaluable contributions and who don’t ask for recognition. Many times, we do not realize how important they are until they are no longer there.

This notion of having an ‘unseen contributor’ also exists in our American legal system. When we are asked to think about a typical lawsuit or criminal prosecution, we often visualize the courtroom, the judge, the attorneys, the jury and witnesses. Most of us do not think about the court reporter who is there making sure that every word that is uttered is properly documented. This is not a glamorous role to fulfill, and it is not one that most people notice. It is a role, however, that is critically important with regards to protecting the integrity of our legal system.

The team at Elizabeth Gallo Court Reporting, LLC is a group that understands what needs to be done when legal matters arise and court reporters are involved. We know that we are not going to be earning any accolades, and we understand that no one is going to point us out or perhaps even remember what we did while a deposition, hearing or trial was occurring. That’s fine with us – we’re not there for awards or publicity. We are there because we care about what we do and how we do it.

Countless cases have turned completely based on the accurate work done by court reporters over the years. Decisions have changed, results have been altered and people’s outcomes have turned dramatically when the time has been taken to review the official record. We take great pride in making sure that the information we provide is accurate, accessible to those who need it and deliverable in many different ways.

These beliefs are just some of the reasons that we are going to provide you with regular updates regarding news that involves court reporters. We want people to understand what it is we do and why what we do is so important. It’s not about us – it’s about how the world looks at an aspect of the legal world that helps keep everything moving in the proper direction. We look forward to having you check back here regularly to see what’s happening in the legal world as it relates to our profession. If you have any questions or even some suggestions regarding our ongoing focus on this blog, feel free to contact us at any time.


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What Clients Say

Thank you so much.  I am so happy with your service.  Truly, I am a client for life.  You guys know what it means to make me feel special as a client, and not just a number.  Thank you so much.

R. Bexley

“Our firm has used Elizabeth Gallo Court Reporting on two occasions. I am extremely impressed with their level of professionalism and ability to get a deposition done for us in a VERY short period of time. They were very professional and most of all responsive to any inquiries I had. Joanie and Heather both left lasting impressions on me!”

L. Martin

“Thanks so much for your help. You are the best of all the firms we have used. Keep up the good work please!”

L. Johnson

“We are very happy with you guys and will continue to use you for all future depositions. Thank you again.”

K. Simpson

“My attorneys spoke very highly of your services. They definitely want to use your services. Good job.”

D. Gunnells