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Elizabeth Gallo Court Reporting: Spotlight of the Week

Our spotlight series will be focus on what makes our Staff and Court Reporters amazing and unique!

This week’s spotlight is our Scheduling Associate, Sharon!


If you had a warning label, what would yours say?


What is the one thing you cannot resist?


Do you have a favorite quote?


What is the first concert you attended?


Who is your favorite band/artist?


Where would you like to go on a dream vacation?


Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?


If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?


What would you do if you won the lottery?


What’s your favorite movie?


What animal best represents you, and why?


What three things do you think of the most each day?


If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?

(THE 70’S)

What three traits define you?


Tell us something that might surprise us about you:


Why a Teen can Buy an Assault Rifle More Easily Than a Handgun

The same type of rifle that was used in the Broward County school mass shooting in Florida was easier to buy for the teenage murderer than a regular handgun under the current law. Although federal law states gun buyers to be at least 21 years old to purchase a handgun, many states across the nation set the minimum age for purchasing rifles at only 18. This includes the semi-automatic version of the military’s M16 — the AR-15. Mass shootings in Parkland, FL; Newton, CT; Aurora, CO; and San Bernardino, CA all involved AR-15s.


Assault Weapons: Increasingly Popular in America

 Traditionally, gun laws treat handguns differently from shotguns, rifles, and other long guns. In 1968, when the Gun Control Act was passed, law makers raised the legal age to purchase a handgun to 21 years old. Under the act, people at least 18 years old could still purchase rifles, which are often used for hunting. At the time the act passed, AR-15s were not popular. Also, they were not widely available to the American public. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, assault weapons became more popular, making the 1968 Act outdated. Manufacturers and gun owners flocked to these type pf guns, the minimum age remained at 18. In 1994, Congress passed a federal assault weapons ban which made a large variety of guns illegal for civilians.

Georgia Gun Laws

While Georgia is an open carry state, it is not a traditional one. Under state law, open carry is legal with a Georgia-issued firearms permit. Additionally, Georgia allows gun owners to open carry a firearm without a permit in a motor vehicle. That being said, Georgia does not require a permit to purchase a firearm, does not require registration of firearms, nor does it require owners to become licensed. A permit to carry is only required under state law for firearms that are legally categorized as handguns.  Georgia enacted this law in 2006. This means that if you feel that your life is threatened, the law allows you to use deadly force to defend yourself. You must be at least 18 years of age to possess a handgun in Georgia.


If you or someone you know has any questions about federal or state gun laws, contact a knowledgeable attorney today.

EGCR’s Fun Legal Fact of the Week

Elizabeth Gallo Court Reporting’s Fun Legal Fact of the Week is here to help you get through the work week by sharing a random fact.  It can be about a state law, regulation, and more!


Legal Fact of the Week: The 1987 Nursing Home Reform Act

The 1987 Nursing Home Reform Act was came about since it was piece of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987. The sole purpose of the Nursing Home Reform Act was to make certainty that residents of of Nursing Homes got good care.

This goal also made it clear that Nursing Residents’s physical, mental, and psycho-social conditions would be maintain as best as possible. Additionally, this Reform Act required Nursing Home Services to be govern.


Amanda’s Legal Apps of the Week

Here at Elizabeth Gallo, we love to explore apps to help create balance for our clients and colleagues working in the Legal Industry. Thus, we understand while maintaining our personal agendas, work can throw us some curve balls as part of the process. These surprises can catch us off guard, for example, having a client who does not speak the same language as you. Today, we explore an app to help any Legal Professional with these last minute issues.


This week’s Legal app is Speak and Translate

Speak and Translate is a voice and voice to text translator. This app is quite particularly useful since it can be use offline. However, it only translate up 10 languages offline. Otherwise, this app can translate up to 117 languages in text and 54 for voice.

Additionally, the app saves all of your translation if needed for reference. Speak and Translate also features Apple Speech Recognition, which is how it can save all your history and synchronizes across all of your Apple devices.

Speak and Translate is available to download for all iOs products for $19.99.