
Elizabeth Gallo Court Reporting: Spotlight of the Week

Our spotlight series will be focus on what makes our Staff and Court Reporters amazing and unique!

This week’s spotlight is our Scheduling Associate, Maria!

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

Caution – Truth Teller

What is the one thing you cannot resist?


Do you have a favorite quote?

“Be scared and do it anyway.”

What is the first concert you attended?

Backstreet Boys

Who is your favorite band/artist?

Spice Girls

Where would you like to go on a dream vacation?


Who would you want to play you in a movie of your life?

Jennifer Lawrence

If you could share a meal with any 4 individuals, living or dead, who would they be?

My Grandma, Meryl Streep, Blake Shelton, Dalai Lama

What would you do if you won the lottery?

Start my own dog shelter <3

What’s your favorite movie?

Wedding Crashers

What animal best represents you, and why?

A bear because I just really like bears, okay?

What three things do you think of the most each day?

Food, Sleep, Dogs

If you could go back in time, what year would you travel to?

1920’s – the thrill of Speakeasies and flappy dresses.

What three traits define you?

Sarcasm, Work Ethic, Kind

Tell us something that might surprise us about you:

“I love lamp.”

EGCR’s Fun Legal Fact of the Week

Elizabeth Gallo Court Reporting’s Fun Legal Fact of the Week is here to help you get through the work week by sharing a random fact.  It can be about a state law, regulation, and more!


Legal Fact of the Week: Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act was passed on October 12, 1998 by U.S Senate. Then Act was officially signed into law by President Clinton on October 28th, 1998. The purpose of this act was to create tough standards on Copyright issues.

For example, if an item is passed around without approval, it is seen as a crime. This law also increases the punishment for Copyright violations made on the internet.












Elizabeth Gallo Court Reporting’s Pro-Tip of The Week

At Elizabeth Gallo Court Reporting, we will create a series on offering great Pro-Tips. These suggestions will overlook a variety of popular programs in the Legal field. To be more specific, EGCR will go over ways to efficiently use programs like Adobe Acrobat.


Today’s Elizabeth Gallo Court Reporting Tip is:

How to Easily Insert a Signature onto a PDF Document


Step One: Open Adobe Reader

Step Two: Once the program is open, go to the upper right corner. Click on Fill & Sign. 

Elizabeth Gallo Court Reporting Certified Court Reporters

Step Three: A screen will pop-up, make sure to click on Type My Signature.

Step Four: Type your name in the box provided, which is labeled Enter Your Name. Click Accept

Step Five: Place Your Signature where it needs to be in the PDF document.







Do not forget to Schedule Your Reporter Today!



Trump Administration’s New Tax Law May Increase Divorce Rates, Experts Say

Some tax experts are projecting a rise in the divorce this year as spouses who have to pay alimony may be able to have a deduction before it is eliminated. The Trump administration’s new tax law does not allow spouses paying alimony to take a deduction. However, spouses receiving alimony will no longer have to report the funds as income. The country’s tax code has allowed alimony to be deducted since 1942. Many divorce experts are concerned the changes in the tax code will make the legal process of divorce more difficult. They also believe it will be harder to have agreements including spousal support.


What is Changing?

 According to a USA Today news report, these changes will apply to any divorce that is filed after December 31, 2018. Currently, the law is the opposite. Spouses who have to pay alimony can report it as an deduction. However, recipients of alimony have to report it as an income. Divorce lawyers argue the current set up helps both parties to afford living separately because it saves money overall. Supporters of the new tax code say the current law is really a divorce grant. They think this because divorcees can have better tax outcomes. The nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation sees that getting rid of the deduction will add nearly $7 billion in new tax revenue over the next decade.


Who Gets Alimony?

Government statistics vary on how many people actually get alimony each year. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, nearly 250,000 people received alimony last year. With 98% of them being female. The Internal Revenue Service, reports more than 360,000 taxpayers claiming a paying out a total of $9.6 billion in alimony in 2015. Only 178,000 reported receiving spousal support that same year. Also, child support payments are separate and apart from alimony. Some divorces involve only child support, while others involve both child support and alimony. America’s divorce rate was at its highest in the early 1980’s. It has been steadily declining since. Federal statistics show that more than 813,000 couples divorced in 2014. Notably, child support is not a tax-deductible for the payer nor is it taxable for the recipient.


Seek an Attorney’s Advice

If you or someone you know has questions about the changes in the tax code and how it affects your divorce, or you are presently facing divorce and have questions, contact a knowledgeable attorney today.